SEPA South Eastern Program Alliance
SEPA is removing two Melbourne level crossings, building new road bridges over Union and Mont Albert Roads, and a premium station, to improve safety and reduce congestion.

Removing Melbourne's level crossings for a safer and smoother ride.
Project Overview
The Victorian State Government is currently delivering a coordinated program to remove 75 level crossings in Melbourne, improving safety, reducing congestion and enabling more frequent train services. Delivery of these projects is being overseen by the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP).
LXRP has established a program approach for delivery of the level crossings, engaging contractors to deliver multiple level crossing removals in a coordinated program of works. The South Eastern Program Alliance (SEPA), comprising of the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP), Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM), Laing O’Rourke Construction Pty Ltd (Laing O’Rourke), and Jacobs Groups Australia Pty Ltd (Jacobs) has been appointed by the Victorian Government to deliver level crossing removal works under the SEPA Program.
SEPA will be undertaking level crossing removal works at Union Road, Surrey Hills and Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert, due to be completed in November 2023. These level crossings will be removed by lowering the rail line into a trench beneath the roads with a new premium station to be built between Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Both level crossing removals involve building road bridges over Union Road and Mont Albert Road.
Project Scope
MBB were engaged to advise on commercial, contracts and project controls matters, driving systematic improvements and efficiencies across the alliance.