Melbourne Airport Rail
The Melbourne Airport Rail project will improve access to the airport, and connect Victorians and visitors to key destinations.

Connecting Melbourne Airport to Victoria's train network
Project Overview
Melbourne Airport Rail is a proposed public transport project that will connect Melbourne Airport to Victoria’s regional and metropolitan train network, maximizing airport access for all Victorians. This long-awaited rail service will link Victorians and visitors to key tourism destinations, homes, health facilities and work opportunities. Passengers will benefit from faster travel times, easier access and better connections to unlock future growth.
The route was determined in 2018, and since then, site investigations and community engagement have been underway for the project's planning and development phase.
Construction is set to begin in 2022, with an expected completion date of 2029.
Project Scope
In early 2020, MBB were engaged to provide constructability inputs. This was to assist with the Planning and Development phase of the project. Our team not only provided advice on the constructability of the MAR design, but also into temporary works and the program planning associated with delivery of the project.
Our inputs included early enabling works, access, lifting strategies, hardstands, auxiliary / utility services, disruption estimation, traffic management planning, general site requirements, production rate estimation, sequencing and staging, critical path assessment and optioneering. A short time later MBB were engaged to provide high quality utilities advice and project management services for the program.
We were engaged by MAR to select a preferred connection option, negotiating and agreeing regulated agreements with authorities. We also established and agreed upon the scope of utility works with utility authorities and managed the development of technical solutions to the satisfaction of the authorities and MAR.