Northeast Alpine Landslip

Ambitious Landslip Prevention Program Improves Road Safety in North-Eastern Victoria's Alpine Region

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Northeast Alpine Landslip

Stabilising roads, securing lives - A pioneering landslip prevention program by North-Eastern Victoria's Alpine Region

Jon Haywood

Senior Project Manager

Key takeaways from the project

Risk-based project management

The successful delivery of this program cannot understate the value an importance of well-informed risk- based planning and project management.

Expert planning

This program, if delivered traditionally with usual planning and sequence of activities would have taken over 3 years.

Reduced delivery time

Through detailed expert planning and development of a risk mitigating delivery strategy, along with a high-level of project management throughout the program, we were able to deliver the full program in under 18 months


Working with the Department of Transport, we were engaged to assist in the delivery of the Landslip Prevention Program in North-Eastern Victoria’s Alpine Region. This project aimed to reduce the risk of landslides on one of the key tourist routes in the area. Working with an ambitiously short timeframe, we were able to deliver the project successfully, while mitigating and managing risks.


As a part of the infrastructure investment programs, the Victorian government provided a series of stimulus funding to the Department of Transport to help stimulate the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic.

One such program was the Landslip Prevention Program, which reduces the risk of landslips on key tourist routes across Victoria.

Given the time sensitive nature of the funding, the delivery of this program in the Hume region contained a series of constraints and risks for which we developed a delivery strategy to mitigate and manage.


For this project we used a four phase method. Investigation, shortlisting, development and finally; construction. For phase one, we examined all of the potential geotechnical remediation sites. The sites were then graded in phase two, according to a multi-criteria assessment. The highest value sites were then developed and designed for construction delivery in the development phase. We commissioned work from five separate design firms to ensure the maximum efficiency for a small construction window. 10 sites were selected for construction across North-Eastern Victoria’s alpine region to be developed over a brief, three month window- due to the constraints of weather and tourism density in the region. We used existing alliance arrangements to ensure the project was completed in a timely fashion.

The MBB difference

This program faced several challenges, including; short time frames to develop and deliver complex projects, finite budgets with a “use it or lose it” timeframe condition, environmental and cultural heritage assessment approval timeframes. With a short construction window between snow seasons and adverse weather, complex traffic management on narrow roads and high stakeholder engagement. A traditional, more cumbersome and less nuanced project delivery would likely have failed to accommodate for all of these considerations.


Through sophisticated risk-based planning and project management, we were able to deliver this program in under 18 months. Completion has improved road safety in North-Eastern Victoria's alpine region, allowing snow enthusiasts and local communities to travel safer.

Some of the collaborators we worked with
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